Womb’s Window
Nothing is more miraculous than the birth of a child. The wait for that special event is one of the most exciting times in our life. We’ve been asking a million of questions. Will it be a boy or a girl? Who will he/she look like? What is their world like? What do they do? Do they smile, yawn, suck their thumb? All the answers to these questions we’ve found out.
After a long period of deciding whether to avail or not of the 3D/4D ultrasound technology as well as the never ending persuasion of my best friend, ALAS! we had it done last Saturday (11/12/05) at The Medical City. I’ve been hunting for the most competitive, affordable and very good 3D/4D ultrasound packages on most clinics and hospitals and I think The Medical City provides it. They’re the ones who gave us a free sample 3D shot of our baby during one of my routine pelvic ultrasound afterall.This picture was our first teaser that encouraged us to avail of their offer. This 3D shot was taken during her 24th week.
The OB-Sonologist had a hard time getting a glimpse of her cutie face because her hand's covering it continually. Perhaps we are disturbing her profound sleep. She looks so peaceful. And well, look at her nose! We’re proud that mine and my hubby’s noses are not “pango” (flat) =)
This is our first real image encounter with our pretty darling.Last Saturday was the real thing. We didn't see her only in a jiffy but had a 30-minute bonding with her. The first probe caught her feet on her face. Not her hands anymore this time. But this image was taken without her feet hiding her face as the OB-Sonologist explored a different angle.
The 4d real time image was ecstatic! We're cheerful as we watched her moved her lips and mouth (somewhat sucking on some amniotic fluid), playfully pricking her nose with her tiny fingers, thumb sucking, closing and opening her eyes. And the most blissful part is when we saw her adorable and pretty smile. =)
She's 31 weeks here and watch closely how far she'd grown in just 7 weeks. Actually, the results showed that she's overweight on her gestational age due to my GD (gestational diabetes). So I'm trying my best to overcome it for her sake.
The captured pictures printed on film paper and moving images stored in CD will be available next week. We can no longer wait. My hubby and I have been dying to see it again and share with our family and friends. We're so glad that through this cutting edge technology, we are given that once in a lifetime glimpse of our baby that we will treasure forever.
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